Who Am I?

Hi, my name is Derrick Michaud and I’m the Host and Producer of The Real Hernando Podcast. I’m also a professional podcast producer and currently run my own podcast production agency, Shelby Row Productions.

I’m a local resident of Hernando, Mississippi as well as a father and small business owner. I believe Hernando is an amazing, beautiful, and unique community filled with unbelievably warm and friendly people. And I’m passionate about contributing to and promoting our local community and small businesses.

And that’s what inspired me to create this podcast, The Real Hernando.

What is this podcast about?

The Real Hernando Podcast is a podcast created to highlight our amazing local community here in Hernando, Mississippi, and in particular, the local business owners of Hernando.

We will do this by interviewing local business owners like yourself and sharing the story behind your business. The podcast will be published on several podcasting platforms and promoted on a website as well as social media channels created specifically for this project.

As part of each episode, we would also be delighted to share any information about your business such as the products/services you offer and about how people can find further details about your business such as a website, social media, etc.

I’d love to promote your business to the local community and increase awareness of your business and the products/services you offer. There’s absolutely no cost to you to participate in the project. The only thing we’d require from you is a bit of your time.

What happens if I agree to participate?

First, we’d have to arrange a time that’s convenient for you to meet with me to record your episode. If you are interested in appearing on The Real Hernando Podcast, just contact me using the details below and I’ll contact you to schedule a time that suits you best. I’m more than willing to be as accommodating as possible with your schedule and the preferred location to record your episode.

On the day/time we’ve arranged to record your episode, I’ll arrive with some recording equipment and perhaps a little bit of light equipment in order to record the best quality audio/video for your episode. Then we’ll have a relaxed conversation about your business and the story behind it. Forget the recording equipment is even there! Think of this as more of a friendly chat to learn a bit about your business. While I don’t script podcast episodes, I’d be happy to provide a list of some typical questions if that would make the experience more comfortable for you.

Finally, I’ll edit and produce the podcast episode! Before it’s published, I’ll contact you in order to let you know when and where content from your episode will be published so that you can share the episode with your family, friends, and whoever else you’d like!

So if you’d like your business featured on The Real Hernando Podcast, just contact me to let me know and I’ll be in touch to get the ball rolling! And of course, if you have any further questions before proceeding, please don’t hesitate to email me at derrick@shelbyrowproductions.com or call me at 615-944-4944.

I hope to hear from you soon!

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The Real Hernando Podcast - all rights reserved.